Is it any different to giving advice to a friend or emailing a work colleague with something supportive?
Mentoring is not about a continuum of progression, linear processes do apply to some but not others, it’s about harnessing something. A storm, a passion, a sense of adventure, a business idea, a relationship. And that’s ok.
The point of difference is the role of the mentor. Not a coach, more of a referee. Not a friend, more of an advisor. And this point of difference is crucial.
Assist Women’s Network are calling on you to be a professional mentor to a woman in our region. We believe that mentoring is a broad and hugely sympathetic process. Some of our mentors will be experienced business women looking to uplift the next generation.
Some of our mentors will be younger women looking to inform the current generation of decision makers. Both are equally valid.
Mentorship is such a privilege, think of a mentee as a kite. Her frame is structured by her personal likes and dislikes. Her lines to ground represent permanent relationships, family and friends.
So who are you as a mentor? You are the wind.
Show her something new, maybe make her dance, point out unseen vistas, challenge, love, guide, redirect, reassure. Mentorship is a privilege, but never be blind to your mentees’ foundations.
After university Rosalind’s first job was in the British Army, where she served as an Officer in the Royal Artillery and learnt how to thrive as a woman in a man’s world. Thereafter she retrained as a teacher and taught Philosophy and Ancient History, also taking on responsibilities around pastoral care and Careers Education. Then came the biggest challenge so far, the arrival of twins! Most recently Rosalind has worked in the third sector with an emphasis on Careers Education, EdTech, and building pathways for young people. She believes that aspiration is just as important as attainment and that Careers Education plays a pivotal role in helping young people to understand their worth, and their potential.