Assist Podcast Club


February 8


07:00 pm - 08:00 pm

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Assist Women's Network

Podcast Club

Assist is ahead of the curve as usual…

You’ve heard of the traditional book club but “hear” you can listen to your favourite podcast or an undiscovered gem of a podcast and then get together for a discussion, debate and most importantly connection.

Hosted by Assist’er Hayley McLean of Anderson Barrowcliff LLP and Joanna Andrews of Charm Productions UK Ltd why not come and connect with others around a central topic that we’ve been listening to over the past 6 weeks. Unwind from the day to day stressors and indulge in some ‘me’ time.

Every 6 weeks we’ll get together virtually (and maybe one day in the not so distant future face to face) to discuss the chosen podcast. A podcast which you can be sure will have topical issues at its forefront ; burning issues that affect the lives of women across the globe, be it in the realms of business, social issues or political.

We’re here to start conversations that matter about topics that matter to us and who knows where that could lead.

Find out a little more about the Podcast Club, Hayley and Joanna here

Wine optional.