Muskaan Mohammed
'A Seat at the Table' Project
Hi, my name is Muskaan Mohammed! I’m 18 years old and a new volunteer at the Assist Women’s Network.
I was intrigued by Assist because I have always had an avid interest in feminism, women’s rights and how society can affect this. Alongside how the male-dominated world of politics and business may keep us oppressed and unable to progress, due to issues like the glass ceiling, maternity pay and wage discrepancies. Therefore, I wanted to join to try and fix these issues and show the importance of empowering women and especially young girls that will eventually grow to run our country one day.
I currently work part-time at the Halo Project, a charity founded by Yasmin Khan that specialises in forced marriages, FGM and domestic, sexual and honour-based abuse against BAME women.
I am also a student at the University of Leeds, studying Social and Political Sciences. My degree entails a variety of subjects that relate to issues and ideas that I’m most passionate about, such as; Sociology, British and International Politics, Psychology, Law, Religion & Culture, Gender and Race.
I attended Prior Pursglove Sixth Form, taking Sociology, English Language and Law A-Levels and achieving A*AA this year. I previously attended Outwood Academy Acklam, where I was School President for a year and I later on won the title of Youth Member of Parliament (Youth MP) for Middlesbrough. I worked alongside many members of the council, such as the Mayor, councillors, support workers and other young people in the area. I also hold a qualification and was trained by the charity MIND to be a Mental Health Ambassador.